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Hello, I am Mathias, a Danish level designer, studying Game Design at Breda University of Applied Sciences



A 3D skill-based platformer in a small open-world level with a complex character with moves flowing together. Use your horn to pole vault across the island and collect runestones.

8 weeks

20 developers

Unreal Engine 5

Open World Level Planning

The Mario Odyssey inspired level based on rocky Scandinavian islands features challenges mixed with exploratory gameplay to motivate the player to traverse the island

Created The Onboarding

The onboarding section diegetically teaches new players the most important skills and allows more skilled players to skip through it without being forced through a tutorial

Cloister3rds2 PNG.png

A Quake level made in Trenchbroom based on late-gothic, early-renaissance monastery architecture. 

7 weeks

1 developer


Architecural research

The level had to be based on or referencing gothic architecure. This project introduced us to using references and sought to improve our sketching.


This project focused on learning player and enemy metrics from an existing game and building a level for it. The levels were also made to be true to the original's level design.

Other Projects and Jams

 Pom Poko

Pom Poko is a 3rd person stealth game about a tanuki made for the CMGT Game Jam Block A 22/23.

Project length: 5 days

Role: Level Designer

Team Size: 7

Engine: Unreal Engine 5.1


 Inventory and crafting system

This is a feature that can easily be integrated into any project. The project is focused on making it easy to add additional content to our feature. The feature is inspired by Satisfactory

Project length: 8 weeks

Role: System & UI Design

Team Size: 1

Engine: Unreal Engine 5.1

 Root Invasion

Root Invasion is a 3rd person shooter about a rabbit made for the CMGT Game Jam Block B 22/23.

Project length: 1 week

Role: Level Design

Team Size: 10

Engine: Unreal Engine 5.1


This game is a twinstick shooter set in a tomb of the alien-made pyramids of Egypt. Shoot your way out and take over any robot stronger than yourself.

Project length: 8 weeks

Role: Systems & UI Design

Team Size: 14

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Shy Mo An

A 2D movement platformer made in Unreal Engine 4, with a custom character, three main levels and level ingredients

Project length: 8 weeks

Role: Level & 3Cs design

Team Size: 3

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

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